Four Things You May Not Know About E-Mail Campaigns

When it comes to online marketing, e-mails are still the most used and the most effective online tool businesses leverage.    Bloomberg Business Week recently did an article on exactly that topic based on some of the results coming out of the Obama campaign.  For...

Are You Prepared for a “Branding Hurricane”?

Here in the Baltimore Washington metro area, as we continue to prepare for Hurricane Sandy, I’m reminded of some of the “BRANDING HURRICANES” I’ve experienced as a marketer. Hurricane Sandy has been slow moving, and the states in the path of the storm have had...

The Muddy World of Marketing ROI

An article on social media in the Financial Times yesterday intrigued me for a number of reasons, mostly because of the focus on marketing ROI and attaching a specific dollar value to marketing spending on social media. It’s as if we have been able to accurately...

Using Visuals to Maximize Message Impact

For the second time when a major disaster happened, I was in a place with no access to internet or television.  The first time this happened was during Hurricane Katrina, I blogged about it not that long ago (I feel a bit like a broken record on this — I tell...

Is Content Always King in Inbound Marketing?

I got into a discussion with a friend recently about “high impact visuals” versus “information” and the value of each.  Any of you already dabbling in social media marketing or inbound marketing probably have already heard the phrase...